
How do you expect extreme climate events in France?

How do you expect extreme climate events in France?

Due to climatic stimuli, extreme weather events in France have multiplied over the last decade. For important reasons, they are responsible for the material and the people and must therefore also instruct the public in French to limit the path.

Development is necessary to change the mentality. On October 25, 2019, the Ministry of Environment published the Three-Year Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PNACC). The government’s goal is simple: “Plan on-the-ground actions by 2030 to achieve progressive adaptation to climate change by 2100.”

For this reason, the Executive is based on the Climate Change Adaptation Reference Pathway (TRACC). This last scenario was privileged by the Intergovernmental Expert Group on Climate Development (Greece) and expected a house with a temperature of 4°C per month in the 2100 hexagon.

The PNACC employees are responsible for cooperation with the PNACC

To accommodate this new government plan, social workers and staff may also be employed.

“I really prefer communication about the benefits of actions for every citizen who values ​​the justice of the public, to accept a public policy and insist on the social norm, and to value the author’s examples,” a synthesized Mélusine Boon -Falleur, Doctorate in Cognitive Sciences, in a conversation on this topic organized on November 19th at the Auditorium du Monde.

It has been cited as an example of the recycling and triple choices that have integrated these two practices into everyday French life in “one or two generations.”

The example of the circular economy

During the recycling line, the circular economy also operates in a great place in the everyday life of the French. To abseil, the economy circulated with the vocation of producing people and providing services that limited the waste of resources and the production of déchets.

In this sense, on February 10, 2020, a law to prevent gas violations for circulating economics was promulgated, with the aim that the finality of plastics can be higher by 2040.

Certain large companies, such as SNCF, have also worked in the circulation economy for a decade. A reduction in carbon emissions of 25% over the life cycle of these materials by 2030 was already set in 2020.

Ultimately, the circulating economy operated with SNCF a 100% non-recycled rail freight with a total volume of 124,000 tons and an estimated total material recovery of 34.3 million euros.

A price for the citizens’ conscience

A better anticipation of extreme climatic events does not go beyond the ratio corresponding to a maximum of French citizens when they are in places or simple administrations. “L’adaptation, c’est tous ensemble, depuis l’Etat aux citoyens”, a CV by Véronique Lehideux, head of the natural and hydraulic risks service at the General Directorate of Hazard Prevention (DGPR).

In this sense, Mélusine Boon-Falleur said she insists on the trust relay that looks after the local communities or the places affected. This final conclusion arises from a statement of conjecture on the subject, citing a recent study that responded to the effects of climate change 10 years ago.

Since 2021, the government has established an annual natural risk and technology resilience review. 2,000 actions were signed on this first anniversary, 3,000 on the second anniversary and 10,000 on the last event of this honorary year, of a progressive citizen mobilization in France.