
Edène, the latest contemporary adaptation of Martin Eden by Jack London

Edène, the latest contemporary adaptation of Martin Eden by Jack London

CRITICISM – Alice Zeniter suggests a free replay Martin Eden. It is his intention to traverse a laborious stage production that keeps the audience at a distance. Our performances à la Premiere, Mardi, à la Comédie de Valence in the Drôme.

“Literature was not as violent as life”Repetition of Edène (Camille Léon Fucien), without much conviction. The young woman wanted to plunge into two fights again. The day of our amorous grave of Rose (Leslie Bouchet), she, without money, was written in the library. Mue par une farouche soif d’apprendre, elle lit all. At the same time, she has to remain loyal to her friend Gigi (Chloé Chevalier) and works in a battle underwear. The conditions are difficult, but the money allows me to pay for the photocopies of these manuscripts to be sent to the Maisons d’Edition. His colleagues have decided to meet in Greve.

This contemporary adaptation of Martin Eden, Jack London’s novel (1909) is very, very free, it has not been included in the annals (L’Arche, New Scene, October 2024). Two months full of opposing efforts are confrontational, without nuance, close to cliché and caricature. Il ya les dominés, les modestes, et…

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