
Anne Hathaway stars in adaptation of Colleen Hoover’s book, Verity (and voices our fears)

Anne Hathaway stars in adaptation of Colleen Hoover’s book, Verity (and voices our fears)

The year 2024 seems to be the sign of a renovation Anne Hathaway. Star de Princesse Malgré Elle et you Diable s’habille en PradaThe actress is at the center of a new project that does not go beyond the adaptation of the novel Colleen Hoover, Truth. Hollywood welcomed a new face of the literary phenomenon shortly after the attack Jamais Plus avec Blake Lively In 2024. The American author’s work is very popular and controversial, noted for its romanticization of toxic relationships. Ainsi, Hathaway It seems to be a continuation of the Lancée des romantiques. This is how his role in the film will be revealed The idea with you aux côtés de Nicholas Galitzine.

TruthEncore of a bestseller by Colleen Hoover

Truth It is a successfully written novel Colleen HooverJanuary 2018. The CV? Verity Crawford is a highly famous romance. A great success, a great house in Vermont and Jeremy, whose charming mother founded the triptych of his parfait existence. However, Verity suffered an accident on the route today while being examined by the Scribe. Jeremy then turned to Lowen Ashleigh, an opponent of Verity, who was able to finish his fiancé’s books. Lowen is immersed in this train of life that she has not known, on the shores of Jeremy, the Mari who helps her. As she investigates, she comes to know that Verity is a terribly manipulative criminal who harbors secrets. Désormais, Lowen is a threat to Verity… A true psychological thriller, Truth It is a très dark novel that leaves its coutures every time.

Anne Hathaway dans Truthgood or bad idea?

Anne Hathaway Rent yourself at the height of the terrible Verity Crawford. The rest of the casting was done again for now. Côté équipe, Michael Showalter When I made the film, I had to think about it with the actress The idea with you. Nick Antoscaconnu pour ses long-métrages d’épouvante, a crit the scénario. As a participant in this film, Hathaway get together again, come Blake Lively l’univers controversé de Colleen Hooverpour the best over the pire. The author is a specialist in literature for young adults. She was announced on TikTok before facing the Covid-19 pandemic. 4 years after the parition of his son Roman, Jamais Plus (It ends with us The original version has gone viral.

Outre son écriture addictive notamment à travers le livre Truthqui dénote par rapport à ses habituelles histories, les récits d’Vacuum cleaner They also have a reputation for glorifying their toxic relationships. Dans Jamais Plusfor example, The violence of marriage is in the fall and in the cafe bar. Descaling can lead to fewer problems. That’s why I thought about the phenomena After et Cinquante Nuances de Gray derrière nous, Jamais Plus apparent exception. Litterature très prisée chez les young lectrices, les œuvres d’Vacuum cleaner It looks like I haven’t adapted to the mind to walk between romantic aspects of my little love.