
100 selected collectives to experiment with the unique État travel guide

100 selected collectives to experiment with the unique État travel guide

The collectives were able to take advantage of a period of time to develop their climate change adaptation strategies. The State has created a unique objective – “the mission of adaptation” – with the expertise of all its operators: the Ademe, the Cerema, the Agencies of Water, Météo-France, the French Office of Biodiversité, the National Agency of France Cohésion des territoires, l’Agence Nationale Appui à la Performance des établissements de santé et médico-sociaux, with also the appui of the Banque des territoires. The aura of each territory is a unique interlocutor responsible for mobilizing all the services of the state.

Coté effectifs, “An equivalent temporary quarantine affected by this mission,” explained Pascal…

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Gazette des Communes, Club Techni.Cités


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